Cloud-riding embroidery on brown <i>qi</i> with double birds and lozenge design- Hunan Museum
Home Mawangdui Artifacts Cloud-riding embroidery on brown qi with double birds and lozenge design
Cloud-riding embroidery on brown qi with double birds and lozenge design
Date:Western Han (206 BCE-9 CE)

Dimensions: Length: 39cm; width: 34cm

Origin: Unearthed from Han Tomb No.1 at Mawangdui, Changsha City, Hunan Province.

A varied cloud pattern is densely embroidered on this brown qi with light green, light reddish brown and olive green threads. Each section of the pictorial scheme features an eye shape in the centre of a peach-shaped floral motif. The diamond-shaped eye sockets are embroidered with olive green thread, and the eyeballs at the centre are single lock stitch. The eye froms evoke both a bird and a beast, the single open eye symbolizing a divine beast or bird riding amidst the clouds. The funerary record identifies this type of embroidered imagery as cloud-riding pattern. The vibrant colours and animated design draw out the exceptional composition and artistry of the piece.

Qi is a kind of jacquard silk fabric woven diagonally with a raised pattern or floating long-flower pattern onto a tabby ground. The design is composed of consecutive lozenge designs, filled in with patterns of flowers, plants and birds. Each design group consists of three layers: one layer of paired-bird pattern and two layers of different lozenge patterns. The whole length of fabric contains six such groups.